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About us

Makarska real estate agency in Makarska and Makarska Riviera. Agency Makarska Real Estate is a certified real estate broker with years of experience and is located in the center of Makarska on the street Ante Starčevića 23, near the bus station and across the business center of Sv. Nikola. In the years of business we built the company and achieved a respectable success. We have been profiling for a carefully selected property offer with neat documentation, good location and sea view. Today, we are one of the leading and experienced real estate brokerage and consulting agencies on the Makarska Riviera. In our offer you can find over 300 current properties, mostly luxury villas, stone houses and family houses, houses with pool, hotels, boarding houses and apartment buildings, apartments, apartments and land.
Makarska real estate agency with the utmost care of accessing every client, seller and buyer. We respect our colleagues and work with them. We invest in acquired knowledge and experience in selecting real estate for sale to present our potential customers with the best choices. We are attending to you at all stages of the sales process from collecting, processing and analyzing data, checking documentation, negotiating, registering, repairing and purchasing furniture and more.
Our goal is satisfied buyers and sellers of real estate on the Makarska Riviera. Satisfied customer and oral recommendation for us are a very important business model and we are genuinely trying to provide professional reliable and accurate information, applying our knowledge and experience.
We invite you to tell us your trust and find out from the rich real estate database exactly what you are looking for, and if you do not succeed our job is to make the most of finding a real estate in Makarska Riviera for you.
Makarska Real Estate Agency Your reliable partner.



Matični broj 2552795
Oib: 38977646470
Adresa sjedišta Kotiška 26 21300 MAKARSKA
Adresa poslovanja A.Starčevića 23 21300 MAKARSKA
Županija poslovanja SPLITSKO-DALMATINSKA
Vrsta poslovnog subjekta TRGOVAČKO DRUŠTVO
Registarski broj upisa 753/2009
Datum upisa 16.11.2009
Broj rješenja o ispunjavanju uvjeta Klasa: UP/I-330-01/09-01/1760;
Datum rješenja o ispunjavanju uvjeta 10.11.2009
Telefon 021/678140
Fax 021/678140
Agent posrednika: Kovačević Božena
Registarski broj 533/2009
Datum polaganja: 27.03.2009

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